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For over 25 years, we’ve been the driving force behind the Saint Louis Zoo’s institutional marketing, whether the focus was on attracting visitors or spreading the message about its conservation-oriented purpose.


At the start of this longstanding client-agency relationship, we took a fresh look at the reasons why people go to this celebrated and revered Forest Park attraction. Our takeaway – families simply want to enjoy a day outdoors with their family – was the origin of the enduring and multi-faceted “Can You Come Out & Play?” campaign. In the years that followed, the Saint Louis Zoo went on to break attendance records, with more than three million visitors annually.

In the early 2000s, the institutional purpose of the Saint Louis Zoo related to caring for and sustaining wildlife became a focal point for branding and marketing communications. This represented a big shift in consumer marketing, and the Zoo needed to maintain an emotional connection with its core audience – families. We developed “Animals Always” to convey the importance of the Zoo’s animal care and conservation efforts and how these ongoing efforts are having a positive, meaningful impact on wildlife.

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