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Is Digital Advertising Heading For A Cliff? Here's How Branding Can Play the Hero.

Is digital advertising in jeopardy? The results of recent reports seem to imply this is the case. And, when digital powerhouses like Google and Meta report less than projected earnings, the industry tends to pay attention. So, where are things going wrong for the once stable pay-per-click business? The villainous and looming economic recession is an obvious factor, along with the weakening of e-commerce’s influence over consumer dollars. 

The effects? A higher customer acquisition cost within B2B and B2C. How much higher? Try roughly 60% over the past five years. Ouch. Where’s the bat signal when we need it? The days of digital advertising are no longer cheap, but on a side note, customers acquired through video and podcasts are cheaper—making those channels a more efficient way to advertise. If you’re in the digital video and podcast game, we recommend you keep going. If you’re not, now’s the time to get a slice of that content pie and be smarter with your business dollars. 

How One Business Is Having Big Success Leaning On Their Brand In The Digital Space

Everyone is out to fight the bad guy, but there’s one business who is exceeding head and shoulders above the rest. Airbnb. Are we really surprised? This business has done an exceptional job the past few years of  establishing their brand across all platforms, while racking up loyal customers along the way. And, although they’ve recently paved the way for success by moving away from performance marketing models, they were hardly the first. Deciding to invest in a brand marketing and public relations has not only paid off for Airbnb, but has allowed them to save 28% of their marketing expenses from the previous year. 

Airbnb isn’t thinking of marketing as a way to “buy” customers because more than 90% of the traffic to its platform arrives directly, unaided by search advertising. - CEO Brian Chesky


In other words, seeing how poorly the economy is performing, including  a drop off in the pay-per-click space, the digital advertising industry has never been more in need of a hero. That hero? You guessed it. Branding.

As an agency who specializes in brand building, we’re here to  provide some value on how branding can help your business thrive over time.

Branding Can Save The Day

Brands are living things. They’re noticeably alive, and we interact with them on a daily basis. We are witness to their social swag, presence and personality. The more active brands are, the more communication consumers see on the surface. But visibility doesn’t necessarily equate to stability. We’ve all heard the story of the Three Little Pigs, right? Each house was built with different materials, but only one withstood the villain—the house that was more sound and sturdy. (This is where brand strategy puts on a cape, and enters the chat.)

A billboard that says your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business

Building A Successful Brand Through Sound Strategy

When you’re building a brand, a solid foundation is critical. Think of this as your brand’s roots. A solid landing place for everything to be built on over time. A place that is conducive to healthy growth. Not exponential growth, necessarily. But steady growth. 

This starts with discovering a core purpose and answering some very intentional questions: 

  1. Why does the world need your brand? 
  2. What difference is your brand making for people in their everyday lives? 
  3. How are people’s lives changed due to coming in contact with your brand? 

These questions provide crucial information for positioning your brand in the marketplace. Which is key for determining the piece of the market you wish to own.

Nurtured by research, and delivered by smart creative, this strategy will help your brand grow into a force  people will want to invite into their lives, and to share with others. Now, that’s the type of hero every marketer can get behind. 

If you’re ready to help your brand put down roots and grow, we’d love for you to
get in touch with us, and let us help you cultivate a strategy.

Post published on

December 2, 2022

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