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An Account Manager’s Brain

Account managers and SpongeBob SquarePants have the same brain. Believe it or not, we all have a little bit of SpongeBob in us—especially account managers. As we process information, our brains organize and store it in a similar way.

Have you ever seen the episode of SpongeBob where replicas of SpongeBob work day in and day out to sort information in his brain and store it in the proper filing cabinet? When Squidward asks SpongeBob to forget everything that doesn’t pertain to fine dining, SpongeBob goes into his brain, a mini version of an office, and literally shreds and disposes of all information not related to fine dining. Account managers have the same structure: filing cabinets upon filing cabinets of information that we gain from working on our clients’ businesses.

As a liaison between client and agency, we work to gain the most insight from our clients to provide our team the opportunity to exceed in their deliverables. In order to do this, we must constantly mentally file away details about projects and campaigns to serve as a reference for future work. This way, we can share this past knowledge with both our clients and our team and serve as forward-thinkers and valuable resources.

A woman in a red sweater is standing in front of a shelf full of binders.

Each account manager organizes his or her file system differently. This is because even though we all share similar skillsets, we all work with different clients who have individualized needs based on their business. Our clients shape our filing system. Pretty crazy, huh? Our client-based filing system is what allows us to meet our clients’ needs, to the best of our ability, every day.

So thank you creators of SpongeBob, for illustrating the extensive, yet organized system that every account manager’s brain consists of. Each day we determine what needs to be retained (fine dining) and the other items that we will be ok without (everything else). It is a great depiction of how we bring forward the smallest, yet highly important, details that could be the key to the efficiency and accuracy in our daily communication with our clients.

Post published on

August 28, 2017

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